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These types of uses for holiday properties exist
Rental, personal use, both?
These types of uses for holiday properties exist

Types of use of holiday properties

From letting to own use

Holiday time is also enjoyment time: with fresh bread rolls for breakfast, eating out in a restaurant and nice breaks in a café. The more shopping facilities, restaurants and cafés there are around your holiday property, the more convenient and varied your holiday in your holiday home or holiday flat will be. Show yourself to be a good host and tell your holiday guests where they can shop locally and enjoy delicious food.

Rental usage type

With this type of use, you rent out your holiday property to paying holiday guests as often as possible. Either you take care of the letting yourself or you commission a local management company or you invest in a holiday property with an operator concept.

With a good occupancy rate, your rental income will be higher than the costs incurred for maintaining the holiday property, paying off the loan, etc. In addition, you can claim tax benefits if you rent out your property - but you will also have to pay tax on your rental income.

Expert tip:
"As a rule of thumb, at least 17 and preferably 22 weeks of letting per year are needed to cover the running costs with the rental income."

Type of use Own use

If you use your holiday home for your own use, you use it exclusively yourself or rent it out to family and friends free of charge. With this type of use, you cannot deduct any costs from your tax bill and you will most likely also have to pay a second home tax. Together with the running costs for the holiday property, owner-occupation can become an expensive luxury.

Expert tip:
"The amount of the two-residence tax and when it becomes due varies from municipality to municipality."

Utilisation type letting plus own use

You benefit from all the advantages of the rental and owner-occupancy usage type: You can enjoy your property yourself from time to time and use it as a holiday home, and you can also cover at least part of the running costs with the rental income and take advantage of tax benefits.

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