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Appraisals for holiday properties
Appraisals for holiday properties
Buy, negotiate and invest more safely

Buying a holiday property with an expert opinion

Professional appraisals for holiday homes

If you buy a "second-hand" holiday property, this is done in Germany and in many other countries without a warranty. This means that you can no longer make any claims against the seller after the purchase if undiscovered defects are found. You should therefore take a close look at the building fabric before buying. Particularly in the case of holiday properties abroad, an expert opinion provides more certainty regarding the purchase price, financing and condition of the holiday property. This article does not constitute legal or tax advice but merely reflects our personal experience.

Advantages of appraisals for holiday properties

As a layperson and without detailed documentation from the seller, it is often very difficult to correctly assess the condition of a holiday property. An expert opinion provides more clarity:

  • the general condition of the property
  • the need for repairs and modernisation
  • the cost of refurbishment
  • if the purchase price is too high
  • the exact number of square metres

Appraisals for holiday properties abroad

An expert opinion is particularly useful for holiday properties abroad. Because without a building expert who is familiar with the typical construction methods of the country, the specific regulations and possible sticking points with local properties, it is very difficult to assess properties in Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, etc. before you buy. The appraisal is also an ideal basis for financing discussions with your bank and for your tax decl arations to the tax office. There are now German valuers who specialise in Spanish holiday properties, for example.

Expert tip:
"An expert opinion prevents you from buying a holiday property that needs expensive renovation work at too high a price. Unplanned additional costs can be fatal, especially if you have to finance your holiday home."

Expert committees as price information

Another source of information for local purchase prices are the officially determined standard land values for properties and the standard market values for holiday properties in the respective region. These values are based on the actual sales prices achieved for local holiday properties. These values are updated regularly and can be requested from the local expert committees for a fee.

Appraisals for holiday properties

Two types of property appraisal are best suited for the valuation of a holiday home or holiday flat.

  • The market value appraisal: even withstands legal disputes such as inheritance disputes or divorce and before the tax office and shows you in detail and reliably how much your holiday property is worth.
  • The income capitalisation approach: in this very complex valuation, an expert uses the building income value and the land value to determine the achievable net income from your holiday property. In simple terms, this means the rental income you could generate per year from your holiday property minus the management costs.