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Equip holiday properties properly
Equip holiday properties properly
Inspire new target groups, win regular guests

Holiday property facilities

Ideally equipped from allergy sufferers to wellness

The right facilities make your holiday property stand out from the other offers on the market. It attracts the attention of potential tenants and is often the decisive criterion for why guests choose your holiday home. It is therefore worth furnishing your holiday home and holiday flat properly and to a high standard. This not only includes beautiful furnishings that will look good for years to come, even with frequent changes of tenant, but also a few extras that will enable you to reach many different groups of holidaymakers and achieve a higher rental price.

Furnishing, renovating and heating your holiday home

In recent years, holidaymakers have become increasingly demanding when it comes to furnishing a holiday property. And it turns out that the better your holiday home is equipped, the better the occupancy rate. How often should you renovate your holiday home or holiday flat? Which furnishings create a holiday feeling and which heating will keep holiday guests warm - even in bad weather and in the low season?

Ideally equipped kitchen and the best entertainment

We also show you what makes the kitchen in your holiday home particularly tasty for guests and why a good range of entertainment, from TV to WLAN, should always be part of the programme these days.

Facilities for allergy sufferers, dog owners and wellness fans

Another important feature of holiday homes and holiday flats is suitable furnishings for allergy sufferers. We give you tips for furnishings that make owners and pets feel at home and show you why wellness ensures a sunny outlook for occupancy even in bad weather and in the low season.

Discover the most beautiful holiday properties for sale now!