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All purchasing criteria for a holiday property
All purchasing criteria for a holiday property
This is what counts when buying a holiday home and holiday apartment

Purchase criteria for holiday properties

Location, profitability and price

Buying a holiday property is often an emotional decision. After all, many people dream of having their own holiday home by the sea or in the mountains. And if a property is for sale in your favourite holiday resort... but when buying a holiday property, there are a few important purchase criteria that you should consider objectively.

Location as a purchase criterion

A good location as close as possible to the beach, ski area, etc. is one of the most important buying criteria for holiday homes. Think about where you would like to go on holiday yourself and which location will ensure good occupancy of your investment property. The following applies: although mountain views and beach access cost more to purchase, they are usually more expensive and easier to rent out afterwards. Holidaymakers also prefer a location with shopping facilities, cafés and restaurants nearby.

Popular locations for holiday properties in Germany


Top locations for holiday properties abroad

  • Costa Blanca
  • Tyrol
  • Majorca

Expert tip:
"Due to the weather, holiday properties in the south often have a longer rental season and therefore more rental income than German holiday properties."

Purchase price as a purchase criterion

Finances are also an important criterion. Can you finance your holiday property with the planned rental income, does the holiday home / holiday flat have a good resale value, how high are the ancillary costs, which financing is worthwhile and what tax benefits could you benefit from?

Furnishings and condition

Older holiday properties in particular need to be thoroughly renovated before they can be rented out to holiday guests. You should therefore plan enough capital for this when buying. Holidaymakers' expectations have risen significantly in recent years and the higher the quality of your holiday property's furnishings, the more often and more expensive it can be rented out.

Expert tip:
"Most buyers of a second-hand holiday property invest around 60,000 euros in renovating the property before renting it out."

Quick accessibility by car

Another very important purchase criterion for holiday properties is good accessibility. The easier it is to reach your holiday home or holiday flat by car or train, the better. This allows you to address a larger target group, e.g. guests from southern Germany for your holiday home on the Baltic Sea or weekend holidaymakers from the nearest larger cities.

Purchase criterion: letting potential

Especially if you want to finance your holiday property partly through rental income, it is important that the property is well occupied. Bear in mind that the peak season with the highest prices is quite short, especially on the North Sea and Baltic Sea, and that you will also have to survive a rainy summer with fewer bookings financially. A good location with numerous tourist attractions also pays off here.