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Erreichbarkeit Ferienimmobilie
Holiday property easily accessible
Good transport connections, good utilization

Accessibility of holiday home and holiday flat

The ideal location for arrival and departure

Holidaymakers have very clear preferences: The holiday home of their dreams should be quiet and surrounded by nature, but still be quick and easy to reach. This makes good transport connections an important success criterion for holiday property owners - both when buying and later when renting out. Meine Ferienimmobilie summarises the most important aspects of accessibility for holiday homes and the like for you.

Reaching your holiday property by car

Around three quarters of all holiday guests prefer to travel to their holiday home or holiday flat by car. A good connection to the nearest motorway is therefore an advantage, especially for holiday homes in Germany. Holidaymakers sometimes even put up with long traffic jams during the holiday season, as the car ensures maximum mobility at the holiday destination and can be conveniently packed with everything you need on holiday - suitcases, surfboard, four-legged friends, food, etc.

Ideal distances by car for owner-occupiers and holidaymakers:

  • Baltic Sea and North Sea for people from the Hamburg and Berlin metropolitan regions and Lower Saxony
  • Allgäu, Austria and South Tyrol for residents from the Munich metropolitan region
  • The Netherlands is quick and easy to reach for people from North Rhine-Westphalia

But many North Rhine-Westphalians and Bavarians love the North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts and are happy to make the long journey for their holiday. Just as many North Germans and Dutch people are keen skiers and therefore travel to Austria etc. every year.

Expert tip:
"Owners use their holiday property most often even if the holiday home is around 150 kilometres away from their own home."

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