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Cancellation policy

Cancellation policy for contracts concluded away from business premises and for distance contracts with the exception of contracts for financial services

Your right of cancellation

You have the right to cancel the brokerage contract with us within fourteen days. The cancellation period begins after receipt of the instructions in text form. The cancellation is made by your timely declaration to us. The declaration must clearly state your decision to cancel the contract. The cancellation does not have to contain any reasons.

The cancellation notice must be sent to:

Meine Ferienimmobilie GmbH
Elbchaussee 458 a
22587 Hamburg

Telephone: 040 / 300 94 93 2

If you do not wish to formulate your declaration of cancellation yourself, you can use the following sample:

Meine Ferienimmobilie GmbH
Elbchaussee 458 a
22587 Hamburg

I/we (*) hereby cancel the contract concluded by me/us (*) with Meine Ferienimmobilie GmbH for the provision of the service:

Proof of property, sending of exposé of the property: (please name property)
Received on: (*)
Name of the consumer(s):
Address of the consumer(s):
Signature of the consumer(s) (only for notification on paper)
(*) Delete as appropriate.

Consequences of cancellation

We must refund all payments received from you within fourteen days. The period begins on the day on which we receive your notice of cancellation. We will make the repayment free of charge for you in the same way as we received your payment, unless we have agreed otherwise with you.

If you have given your express consent and have requested that we begin our services before the end of the cancellation period and the contract has not yet been completely fulfilled, you must pay us a reasonable amount. This corresponds to the proportion of our service already provided at the time of your cancellation in relation to the total contractually agreed service.